Programme Registration&Fee
Passport and Visa Information Participants from most countries must have Byelorassian visas to enter Belarus. To obtain Byelorussian visa in time the official invitation should be presented to the Byelorussian Consulate the addresses and phone/fax numbers are enclosed) at least a week before your departure. Some details may be found here: To issue the official invitation the School Secretariat needs your personal record (full name, date of birth, citizenship, passport number, address). Please include the required information in the application form. Attention! If you cannot receive Byelorussian visa in your country, the Secretariat will arrange for a visa to be issued at the airport MINSK-2 upon arrival. Transportation I Recommended arrival is by airplane to Minsk or by train to Minsk. The organizing committee will provide transportation to the hotel where participants will live. |